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Is it Stress!

Stress is not new .Now a day’s almost everyone is suffering from it, many unknowingly. You might stressed because you might not getting the due attention or appreciation. You might be stressed because your colleague has been promoted. You might be stressed because you might be carrying other’s monkey on your back. Stress happen when we are unable to handle busy life and day to day problems. Problems create stress and stress increases the problems. Now, it’s a deadlock. Problems keep popping up like unwanted adware. One thing is sure that as long as you are alive, problems will be there. But the question is you going to be stressed life long? You don’t have to. How many time stresses have solved your problems. I guess, never.

The real reason for the stress is that we don’t take life as it comes without complaining. Stress is the difference between our true nature and what we pretend or strive to be. Many times we just take tension without reducing the differences. Suppose you get stressed because you don’t like your job. Complaining about the job and getting stressed is not a solution. Either you can make your job interesting or change your job. Tough it’s easy to say but many times it’s very difficult to reduce the difference. Though many times you might not eradicate the stress completely but you can definitely mitigate it.

If you are conscious that you are stressed then you can mitigate the stress. As the saying goes “Smile is a small curve that straightens lot of things”. Smile is a stress buster. A hearty laugh can rejuvenate you or divert your mind away from stress. When I feel I am stressed and I need a dose of laughter, I catch an episode of ‘FRIENDS’ or ‘Tom and Jerry’. Cartoon strips of ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ bring a mantling smile on my face.  Music by Rahman is like spa to my tired mind. Whenever you are stressed try things which brings smile on your face.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Subhransu
    February 20, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    Well said mukul.I like the Idea to caombat stress.

  2. sudipto
    February 22, 2010 at 8:41 am

    NICe work mukul

  3. February 23, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    Simply excellent !!!

    Some of my key notes from ur creative analysis:

    -> Problems create stress and stress increases the problems.

    -> Stress is the difference between our true nature and what we pretend or strive to be.

    -> Smile is a stress buster.

    Ur postings provoke my thoughts. Luv u dude … Keep penning !!!

  4. neelesh
    March 24, 2011 at 8:47 am

    this line just stole my heart…:):)
    “Smile is a small curve that straightens lot of things”

    keep writing bro…

  5. Mukul
    March 24, 2011 at 8:52 am

    Thank you all..glad that you like my post 🙂

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